If you are either a landlord or a tenant, it is important to contact an attorney when a dispute arises and during an eviction. Our attorneys have experience representing both tenants and landlords, and routinely handle both sides of evictions in court. If you are being evicted, it is vital that you know your rights, receive assistance in obtaining your security deposit, and if necessary, pursue damages against the landlord. Landlords are often surprised at how long and difficult it is to legally evict a tenant. It is important that you consult with an attorney far in advance of when you need the tenant to leave in order to timely start the eviction process. The Rhode Island Residential Landlord-Tenant Act is a minefield for the unwary landlord. There are specific timelines that must be strictly followed in order to evict a tenant. Landlords who do not follow the proper procedure may be liable to the tenant for damages, including punitive damages. It is essential that a landlord consult with an attorney to avoid delays in the eviction, and avoid incompliances with the law that would subject the landlord to actual and punitive damages. If a tenant leaves the premises damaged, you should also consult an attorney. Again, there are strict timelines that must be followed in order to seek monetary reimbursement for the damages. Failure to follow these timelines can cause you to forfeit your rights to recovery. If you are a landlord or tenant, contact us for a consultation.